School Extra Curriculum Activities

All You Need To Know about Extra Curriculum


This club offers the pupils the opportunity to practically study mathematical principles and theorems. It promotes mathematical discussion and debate among the students and aims to be a platform for the students to communicate their mathematical interests.

This club gives our pupils the opportunity to show their communication skills and love for literary arts. Children are encouraged to grow into eloquent speakers and creative writer – pupils are given the opportunity to propose and oppose various topics / issues.

Computing Club is all about increasing the level of Digital Literacy and providing children with an outlet and opportunity to expand their Computing knowledge, skills and experiences in a fun and interesting way.

This club promotes teamwork, provides a sense of community and has a lot of fun with music and everything.

This is a club which work on the skills that it takes to become an actor in a play. The pupils are encouraged to develop empathy, the ability to view the world from another person’s perspective without judgement.

It’s a great opportunity for children to complete their homework amongst their peers and with the support of school staff available if needed.

Lego Club is a fun and interactive session offering children the freedom to create and design as a team. They work cooperatively and collaboratively throughout the session developing their language and listening skills along the way. Children plan and make decisions about how to approach a task before hand and show high levels of energy and fascination throughout.

Children participate in a range of investigations using everyday items. The investigations are hands-on, and our children are inspired to predict what might happen using scientific language. Our science club aims to nurtures enquiring minds and develop interests in science.